The results of the White Sea work in summer 2020

The results of the White Sea work in summer 2020

The time has come for reports, and we decided to take stock of our work in the White Sea this year.

The field season in the White Sea this year was not at all the same as in previous years, since there were no student practices. And from our group on the White Sea were mainly Mikhail and Tatiana Ivanovs, and Natalya Polyakova also came for a short time. However, the season was still very productive.

Much attention was paid to collecting stickleback samples in the open sea. In July-August, a pelagic trawl was used to catch an adult stickleback, moving away from the coast after spawning, as well as juveniles.

The quantitative count of stickleback juveniles was carried out using a small seine net.

We also collected many samples of zooplankton – the basis of the stickleback food base in the pelagic zone.




Also, work on the quantitative registration of predatory fish began. Mikhail dived to a shallow depth in a diving suit to count the sculpins under water: these are the most sedentary forms of fish living in the coastal area, and it is easier to count them than more mobile fish.

The season was difficult, non-standard, but despite all the problems, we managed to fulfill many points from our scientific plans. The boats have been removed for the winter. The whole team returned home.

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