Summer is over, we have retirned back from the expeditions and ready to share our memories with all of you! There are many of them.
Four students (Bachelor and Master’s degree) took part in summer field practice on ichthyology, marine and freshwater hydrobiology. The practice lasted approximately three weeks and the ichthyological part included a high variety of topics mostly local fish thus allowing to obtain new practical skills:
– biotope and species diversity
– quantification of population abundance
– processing of fish otoliths
– size and age structure of stickleback populations
– fecundity measuring
– analysis of stomach content of stickleback from different biotopes
– observation of stickleback embryonic development rate and stickleback’s eggs digestion rate
– using various fishing gear such as beach seine and gillnets
– underwater video recording and image processing
…and many more.
Feel the spirit of this fieldwork through the photos in the carousel!
Ph.: D. Lajus
Stay tuned and you will find out many interesting things!
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