Recently, an almost five-minute story about stickleback was released on Channel One – largely thanks to Pavel Glazkov, who has already made a film about stickleback. The film premiered at the end of last year at the Presidential Library. Links to these videos are below.
The film crew asked me to show the stickleback “work” and make a smart face. I brought a jar in which I fixed a stickleback in Chukotka (the Chukotka stickleback is larger and more representative than our White Sea stickleback), which was bought at a local store. But I did not notice that the lid of the can is very frivolous – with red dots. And the operator tried very hard not to get it into the frame. Succeeded.
And I must say that this plot did not include, except for the can lid, a lot of what we talked about and filmed. But it’s still great that he appeared.
D.L. Lajus
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