Lectures of the Stickleback Day-2021: spatial distribution in the White Sea (T. Ivanova)

Lectures of the Stickleback Day-2021: spatial distribution in the White Sea (T. Ivanova)

Meet the second lecture of our webinar was dedicated to habitats, spatial distribution, size and age structure of the White Sea population.

After watching, you will know which habitats are the most important for sticklebacks and which are the most unfavourable. Also you will learn if there any differences between males and females, or they are absolutely identical, and how old are sticklebacks in general.

Lecturer – Tatiana Ivanova, researcher, St. Petersburg State University (SPBU), Department of Ichthyology and Hydrobiology, St. Petersburg, Russia

We wish you a pleasant viewing!

The lecture was conducted in English, but you can enable subtitles, both English and Russian.


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