Ekaterina Nadtochii is a birthday girl today!

Ekaterina Nadtochii is a birthday girl today!

Happy birthday to Ekaterina Nadtochii!

Her master’s thesis which she had defended this year was dedicated to the neighbors of stickleback in the White Sea ecosystem – other fish, including those that feed on stickleback.
It demanded great efforts from her, as her bachelor’s work Katya defended not in biology, but in geography. But Katya won thanks to her hard work, organization and responsibility. We are very glad that Katya decided to continue to actively participate in our project – from this year she will be a member of our Russian Science Foundation’s project. We really hope that in the next year she will enter the graduate school of St. Petersburg State University. We are sure that everything will work out for her!

White Sea Stickleback team

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